Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Awsome Kids!

These are just two random shots of Ian and London during her birthday party. They just constantly remind me of how fortunate and lucky Justin and I are to have two amazing children. Ian went to the dentist yesterday and I received raving compliments from the dentist about how well behaved and bright Ian is. He totally went back for x-rays and a cleaning all by himself without me by his side. Never once did he say "I don't want to" nor whine the entire time. Maybe the bribe of McDonald's lunch had something to do with that?! :)

And Miss Priss...
She is definitely finding her way in this world. Very much a "momma's" girl and very much knows how to scream for what she wants. It is such a joy to watch the wheels inside her little head constantly turn. She is learning so much right now and understands alot of what I tell her. She cuddles her baby and even tries to feed her a bottle. I will tell her to go find her baby and she totally starts looking for her. I picked her up from school yesterday and as soon as she saw me she immediately started squealing and saying "ma-ma, ma-ma". She DOES know how to say my name! Just this morning sitting having breakfast, Justin walked in the room and she looked all bright eyed at him and said with a big grin "da-da". I think that is the first time she has really done that. She has learned the sign for "please" and uses it for just about everything; food, hold me, and whenever she does not get her way.

We had her first trip to the dentist last week because she fell into my mom's fireplace hearth and hit where her two front teeth were trying to break through the skin. I was a bit nervous to say the least. The fall broke the skin and bruised the gums. I was afraid she damaged the teeth that have not even come in yet. The dentist was wonderful with her. No x-rays were needed, no fractures of her jaw were noted. She did however chip the two front teeth. That means when she fell, she broke the skin AND fell hard enough to chip the teeth that weren't even in yet. Poor baby. She has completely recovered and the dentist will follow up in 6 months. The chips are small enough that hopefully you won't even notice them. So, needless to say no more cute "toothless" grins anymore! :(

She is still a very serious soul, but when she does give you that little grin her big blue eyes light up and it totally melts your heart!

1 comment:

Graham said...

I love your blog! They are such cuties!